Welcome to God Throne EstatesVilla
God Throne Estates VillaGod Throne Estates VillaGod Throne Estates Villa
(Sat - Sun)
Bonsaac, Asaba, Delta State
God Throne Estates VillaGod Throne Estates VillaGod Throne Estates Villa



You can learn more from our frequently asked questions

Ugbolu and behind Wichtec, Asaba, Delta State

There will be no Agreement or Agency fee applicable.

Corner piece plots are allocated on availability at the time of request and are sold at 25% more.

Provisional allocation is immediately after initial deposit is being made while Physical allocation
is after 100% payment for the following: (1) Cost of land (2) Documentation/legal fee / Survey fee
(3) Developmental levy must be paid before construction begins.

* Purchase Receipt * Acknowledgement Letter * Contract of Sale
* Invoice

* Note: No physical allocation does not commence until ancillary charges are paid and batches of plot owners treated together. This is
also to ensure that those that are willing to start developing their plot(s) immediately get the frontal plots, to ensure uniform development
of the estate; and avoid a situation where the buildings within the estate are scattered and far apart, while vast fallow plots lie everywhere

Yes, but it will be subject to 30% administrative fee after getting another buyer or in case our
company buy back the said plot(s)

* Beautiful Gate House * Excellent Security System * Estate Mall
* Paved Roads * Perimeter Fencing & Electricity * Gate House
* Portable Water * Green Area * Worship Area

Development fees are used to provide infrastructures in the Estate, therefore they must be
paid individually per plot.

No, what you pay is documentation fee which includes the survey, the deed of assignment and
other requirements for physical allocation.

* Receipt * Letter of Allocation * Survey Plan
* Deed of Assignment


Receipt, letter of allocation (inclusive of Survey plan) and deed of assignment


1) Purchase Receipt

(2) Contract of sale stating that you own a plot of land with the stated size within the estate,

(3) Acknowledgment letter and

(4) Invoice Please Note; No physical allocation does not commence until ancillary charges in 7 above are paid and batches of plot owners treated together. This is also to ensure that those that are willing to start developing their plot(s) immediately get the frontal plots, to ensure uniform development of the estate; and avoid a situation where the buildings within the estate are scattered and far apart, while vast fallow plots lie everywhere in-between.

Yes. You can start building on the land after payment of all required fees. Physical allocation is
done immediately after all payments are completed.

Yes. A Subscriber can resell his/her property. However, a notice for transfer of ownership should
be written to and approved by GOD'S THRONE ESTATE VILLA HOMES & PROPERTIES.

You can build any building of your choice; however, it must be approved by the management
and Lagos state Government, and all set back rules must be followed to the letter. All such rules
and regulations guiding development in the estate will be given to you after completion of
payment for the Land.



Cheques should be issued in favor of GOD'S THRONE ESTATE VILLA. We would not
accept responsibility for any liability that may arise because of deviation from the above

Do you have questions not answered above?

Use the contact from below to getall your questions answered now

Head office address:

26 NZE Francis Road, Bonsaac, Asaba 320242, Delta

Call for help:


Mail for information:



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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